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Best Financial Practices

Accountability: The board of directors was set up to provide financial oversight and accountability for all funds related to Branch Community. Branch Community is a licensed 501(c)3 nonprofit and as such all contributions are tax-deductible. The board is also tasked with maintaining legal compliance for us as a non-profit.

Generosity: We believe that we are called to generosity not only as individuals but also as an organization. In that spirit, we set aside 12% of general fund income for missions. This fund is invested into ministries, both regionally and globally, that are advancing the kingdom of God.

Transparency: As a non-profit ministry committed to representing Jesus Christ, we feel the administration of finances is a sacred trust. Therefore, we strive for transparency as an organization, while still maintaining donor confidentiality. At the end of each year, a financial report will be provided to all donors, this report will include a breakdown of total yearly revenue and expenses.

Biblical Precedence for Tithes and Offerings: In both the Old and New Testaments we see that God has ordained a way to resource his church. In the Old Testament, this was expressed through setting aside the Levites to minister in the temple and function as priests for the nation of Israel. The Levites received a tithe from all Israel that enabled them to dedicate their time to facilitating Israel’s worship of the one true God. See Leviticus 27, Deuteronomy 14. In addition to this, God also gave detailed instructions for every kind of free will and special offering. Leviticus 4, 5, and 7. Numbers 6.
In the New Testament, this lifestyle of giving continued in the lives of the Jewish believers we read about in the book of Acts. Acts 2:45, Acts 4:34-35. Paul also reaffirmed in 1 Corinthians 9:3-14 that God has established a way to resource his work through the collective financial contributions of the body of Christ. Yet, many churches and parachurch ministries lack the resources necessary to accomplish the vision God has given them! Is this because of God’s negligence? Or is it because his people haven’t fully committed to his instructions regarding finances? This is our understanding of God’s design for resourcing his work.

Tithes: The word tithe simply means a tenth. Our understanding is that all believers are called to contribute a tenth of their income to the church. There are lots of opportunities to give and the Bible does not specifically command that this tithe should be directed only to the local church. We encourage you to seek direction from the Lord about where to give.

Offerings: We believe that the tithe should be the minimum starting point for forgiving and that as God provides in abundance, we can also give in abundance. Offerings are a great way to invest in people, organizations, or causes that God places on our hearts.

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